Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Featuring a Special Section – THE REVOLUTION

As an admirer of Inspire, the first English magazine on Jihad; produced by Al-Malahim media, the media arm of Al-Qaeda in Arabian Peninsula; one can observe that the magazine keeps getting better with each issue; Praise be to none but Allah.
While Japan was hit by a massive Tsunami after the earthquake, likewise; the Muslim world was hit by the Tsunami of Change. This is the central theme on which the current issue is based and carries articles by outspoken scholars such Sheikh Ayman Al-Zawahiri, Sheikh Anwar Al-Awlaki and Sheikh Ibrahim Al-Rubaish may Allah protect them all.
As the uprisings reach their fervor, and the Oppressors of Muslims, the Puppets of the West fall one after the other, we observe that the enemies of Islam, through their extensive media apparatus have unleashed a tide of propaganda to incapacitate the intellectual capacity of the Muslims to think of a Paradigm other than Democracy. It is heartening to see the Mujahid Scholars coming forward to expose the fallacy of the empty slogans of the West and score an intellectual victory.
This episode of Inspire begins with an article by Brother Yahya Ibrahim, debunking the presumptions of the West that the uprisings in the Middle East have marginalized Al-Qaeda.
This is followed by a really important article by Sheikh Abu Yahya Al-Libi, (may Allah protect him) in the Manhaj section wherein he highlights the Middle Path in the light of Qur’an and Sunnah and exposes the plots of the Enemies of Muwahideen, who attempt to redefine the Middle Path in the light of their desires and whims to lead us away from the Middle Path.
The issue also features interview of Sheikh Abu Hurairah (may Allah protect him), the military commander of AQAP, a fatwa on Yemen’s assistance and its people by Sheikh Abu Muhammed Al-Maqdisi (may Allah free him) apart from regular sections on Open Source Jihad and discussion on history and strategy.
May Allah reward all those who have contributed to this well assembled  piece of guidance ; for all those who aspire to please their Lord…ameen.

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