Friday, April 15, 2011

Kuta Party Nights

bali barIt is often by Thursday night when our crew is ready to hit the night lights. Weekends can be busy and Thursday feels more local. What better way to start the night then having a few drinks at La Vida Loca Bar, on Blue Ocean beach, at the end of Double Six Rd. The live music starts from 10pm onwards. This Thursday we had a plan and there were a few events we wanted to catch, so after chatting up a few European visitors e we had a bit of a dance before moving on to Dejavu for a Fashion Show featuring the "Pygmees" label.
Dejavu is also a beachfront night club. It is about 50 meters away from La Vida Loca and has a wide open area that allows the night sea breeze through. The décor is modern with lots of roomy couches where you can rest your feet or socialize. The music is also modern; electronic and techno. The place was really crowded when they started the show. They had prepared a wooden catwalk through the centre of the club, elevated quite high so that everyone was able to see the models.
Pretty soon after we arrived, the music changed and the models came out one by one, walking the catwalk, so fierce and beautiful. Pygmees style is colorful and loud using lots of circles and pastel colors on elegantly cut dresses. The show lasted about 20 minutes. Once it was over everyone cheered and went back to dancing.
bali double six
We then decided to go hit Kuta, it was almost 2 o'clock and we didn't want to miss the bikini show in M Bar Go. We caught a cab and joined the traffic to Kuta, even at this time of night there is plenty of action at this end of town.
It was exhilarating seeing all the sexy ladies in their bikinis dancing on the bar! It's a great show and everyone got into it. The girls set the party in motion and after the show everyone was on the dance floor. With the music changing from house to hip hop there is something for everyone. We joined in and had a blast. There is one thing for sure, if you know anyone in Bali there is a good chance you will run into them at M Bar Go. It is the place to see and to be seen. We worked our charm and got a few free drinks from some nice looking lads from Down Under. Then we grabbed an open couch to chill out a bit and chat with our new admirers.bali night lifeOnce the drinks were getting low the guys wanted to head back to the dance floor. Well, I guess they earned a dance or two, so we indulged and got back out there. We got our groove on for another hour or so then decided we had had enough. It is only Thursday after all. We were all hungry so we hit the king of late night foods, McDonalds. There is nothing like a greasy double cheeseburger and fries to soak up all those drinks. With a full tummy and legs sore from dancing we headed home where I fell into a deep dreamless sleep that can only be reached after a fun filled night and plenty to drink!

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