Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Chair Design - The Comfort Chair

Hi! How is everyone?
Today I am posting about my chair design. In my CyberArts art class we were assigned to design and make a model of a chair that exudes our personality. I decided that I wanted a comfy chair in which I could lie down in, cuddle up and sleep or read. This is what I based my design on.

Personally, one thing I love doing is cuddling up on my sofa and reading my a book when it's raining outside; it feels peaceful. I also like having my books at hand. This is why I chose to add a small storage space for my books near the bottom front of my chair. I wanted my chair to be a colour my chair it would be a light soothing colour that was light and soothing because I am mostly a quiet person, I don't like to much attention. I am laid back and I am comfortable around others.

This is my chair. I call it "The Comfort Chair". I wanted my chair to be known for being
comfortable. I wanted a chair that was more organic than geometric. When I think of geometric shapes such as squares and triangles, I think of stiffness; I did use rectangles but I added curves to them so they felt more organic.

I like being comfortable in what I sit in. This is why I chose to have a lazier feel to my chair. My chair has a storage space at the bottom front of my chair. This allows the user to have easy access to their books; the storage space can also be used to store other things, not just books. Since my chair is longer you can keep your feet up, it can also act somewhat as a bed. I also have armrests on the chair so the user would be able to sit with their arms up.

My chair is a piece of art because it looks unified. It has a very clean design. I believe that my chair is very balanced as it has a organic but block-like form; my chair does not look like it will tip over, it is very solid. My chair is very simple, it gives of a professional feel with it's clean, curved lines. The texture is smooth, this gives off a very relaxing feeling. If I were to add color to this chair, I would make it a pastel or soft colour instead of bold vibrant colours as I would like the user to feel relaxed and not to distract them or keep them awake with attention seeking colours. My chair also uses the curve of the seat to move your eyes from the top of the backrest down to the end of the seat in a slide like motion; this adds a look of sleekness and polish to the chair.

So before I end off my post, I wanted to talk about my design process. So before we actually started making a model of our chair, we were required to plan out the design and present it on a board with a orthographical and isometric drawings; I felt this really helped pain a image of what I wanted my chair to look like in my head.

For a greater understanding of my chair design I used a measuring tape and experimented with measurements to see how big I wanted the chair, how high I wanted the seat and backrest to be.

All this planning really helped me along the way. I don't think I could have made my chair model without it. So, I have some advice for you... planning helps; use it.

I hope you liked my chair!

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