Friday, April 15, 2011

Sanur Village

Sanur is a peaceful fishing village in east part of Denpasar. The name 'Sanur' originates from two words ; 'saha' and 'nuhur', literally means 'the passion to visit a certain place'.
Sanur is famed for its beautiful strip of pure sandy beaches across the coastal line. It is also famed for its' spectacular sunrises which literally marks a new day in the life of the Balinese.
A talented laid back atmosphere is what is unique about the village of Sanur where hospitality is intertwined with the traditions of Balinese culture and religion. The atmosphere from sunrise till sunset provides endless opportunities of discovery into the daily lives of the Balinese, where each corner of the village provides a certain exploration for every visitor. Lines of shaded trees along the roads, a stretch of beach for sunbathing, a strip of shops for shopping and a variety of restaurants for wining and dining, the option is endless in Sanur.

sanur beach
History. Sanur also represents a name that carries important history for tourism in Indonesia, and Bali more specific. It was on the beach of Sanur that the first Netherlands troops set foot on the island of Bali in 1906. This was also the exact place that the first war occurred between Netherlands against the community of Bali in defending their land from colonialism. This war was later known as the Puputan Badung, a heroic event that is strongly remembered by every individual Balinese until today's generation.
Looking further back in history, around the Blanjong area, one can find an ancient stone epigraph with two languages written on it, using Old Balinese Language and Sanskrit; two totally different languages. It was believed that the place the artifact was found was an old harbor.
Other epigraphs found within this area included the Ganesca and the Two Tailed Ox (Arca Dua Ekor Lembu), believed to be from the Kingdom of Warmadewa that ruled Bali in year 917. The Ganesca (a statue of an elephant head with a human body) made from limestone was said not to come from Blanjong, and was believed from remains of historic events from past kingdoms reigning in Bali. Should this be true, it is believed that Bali in the early days had already tight relations with other kingdoms around the world.
In the 1930s, Sanur attracted a collage of colorful expatriate characters - bohemian artists and entrepreneurs who chose to set up house with the families of local landowners claiming a piece of the nearest beach as their very own slice of paradise. Belgian impressionist Le Mayeur, Dutch artist Arie Smit, Australian artist Donald Friend and the flamboyant tourism pioneer Jimmy Pande all set up residence in Sanur during the 20th century.
Now Sanur has recently seen a massive modernization and facelift with millions of dollars poured into hotel renovations together with a spectacular conservation and landscaping project that replenished the beach and safeguarded the coral. As a result, the calm and shallow lagoon is increasingly conducive to an entire range of marine sports and beachside activities.
On any given day you can see people fishing, snorkeling, sailing, surfing, or simply wading towards the reef searching for colorful shells and playful tropical fish. Colorful jukung outriggers dot the horizon and the scene is perfectly idyllic all year round.
Characterized by its unique charm and unhurried pace, Sanur has long been a popular destination for guests seeking a stylish, laid-back beachside getaway. Visitors and meeting participants delight in the romantic beachfront - a picturesque, unbroken seaside promenade that stretches the length of ocean-front hotels, luxury villas and exuberant gardens, affording a pleasant stroll in the cool early mornings and late afternoons.
Sanur has a reef making it ideal for surfers and also people with young kids inside the reef. Sanur does not get a strong beach break like Kuta / Seminyak. Swimming is only possible at high tide as low tide exposes the reef. Swimming outside the reef is not recommended.
Sanur nightlife is basically the local bar and restaurant scene, with the odd place such as the Cat & Fiddle pub providing live music. There are no real nightclubs in Sanur and the younger party crowd does not frequent the area as much.
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