Monday, April 18, 2011

Where to Meet Girls

Where to Meet Girls
Some guys think that the only place you can meet girls are in seedy bars or clubs where the alcohol is flowing and the girls are dolled up, ready and expecting male attention. The truth is that the same girls you see on the dance floor also exist during the day and still need and want attention. The only difference is there is less competition, which makes your job much easier.
So if you’re wondering where to meet girls, read on. You can literally meet them everywhere…although some places are better than others. I’ll be discussing where to meet girls where there will be plenty of opportunities; these include the gym, dog parks, malls, schools and social circles.

The Gym

Aside from gaining physical fitness, one of the perks of the gym is the abundance of in shape, fit, attractive members of the opposite sex.
How to open: Don’t give her workout advice, it’s cliché and you’ll lose originality points. Get eye contact and then open with something cocky and funny “Hey I noticed you were checking me out…you have good taste in men”.

The Dog Park

A cute puppy is the best wingman you can ever have. Not only will it get girls approaching YOU, it will automatically give you something to break the ice with and that’s 90% of the work.

The Mall

The best thing about malls is that there are plenty of places and women. Clothing stores, home furnishing stores, boutiques, supermarkets and food courts are a good start.
How to open: Go to a clothing store and ask for fashion advice or advice on what to buy your friend for their birthday.


If you’re studying, colleges/schools are perfect because they’re filled with an abundance of girls all generally around you age group. You also have a common goal (ie, same class, test, campus etc) so you have a reason to talk to her.
How to open: The fact that you both go to the same place means that you will likely have many chances to open as you will likely be seeing them around in the future. You don’t need a hit or miss opener just be the fun, attractive and social guy and the girls will flock your way.

Where to Meet Girls and Have Them Introduced to You

Your social circle is the easiest way to meet girls. Girls are more comfortable meeting guys through social circle since they know he’s safe, already accepted by the group and your friends already like him. Other people will also introduce you so there is no need to open, which makes your job even easier.
Although if things don’t work out down the line and you end up hating each other, it can make for some awkward social gatherings.
Knowing where to meet girls outside of the club scene will give you more opportunities to approach and you should be taking advantage of at least a few. Having multiple sources of women will make your job of finding the ones you want to approach much easier.

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