Follow these tips to have fun and ensure that your first time together won't be your last!
-Amber Madison
The first time you sleep with a new guy, there can be a lot riding on it. Sex introduces a new intimacy and vulnerability to a relationship, or at the very least, it changes it. That first time, you’re giving him a preview of what’s to come. To make sure you don’t rub him the wrong way, here are the five mistakes to avoid making the first time you sleep with him...
5 Biggest First-Time Sex Mistakes
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3. Acting shy the next morning. You’re a big girl, and you made a big-girl decision because you wanted to have sex. There is nothing wrong or shameful about that, and it’s no reason to act embarrassed the next day. Sure the morning after the first time can feel a bit awkward, but do your best to act just as confident as you were the night before. Don’t be afraid to kiss him, joke with him or cuddle. If you get out of bed, don’t act too modest about him seeing your body (he was into it the night before, remember). Don’t give him any reason to think things got weird after you had sex, and he probably won’t give it a second thought.
4. Overstaying your welcome. The first time you have sex with a guy, it will likely bring up a variety of emotions for both of you. Though it might be your initial instinct, don’t deal with those emotions by being overly clingy (just like you wouldn’t want a guy to be too clingy with you). If you’re at his house, spend some time hanging out with him in the morning, but don’t stick around all afternoon, especially if it looks like he’s trying to get on with his day and do other things. After you’ve gotten out of bed and maybe had some breakfast, tell him you have to take off, but that last night was a lot of fun. Leaving of your own accord shows that you have other priorities in your life aside from him, and that those priorities haven’t changed just because you’ve slept together.
5. Freaking out if he doesn’t call the next day. Most guys say they wait two to three days to call a girl. They do this because they don’t want to look too desperate, not necessarily because they don’t want to hear your lovely voice every night. Unless you usually talk to him every day, there’s no reason to think that just because you had sex you’re going to start. Bottom line: Don’t worry that you’ll never hear from him again if it’s only been a day since your romp and he’s been silent. If it’s been a week or two, however, feel free to freak out, egg his apartment, and unless he gives you a damn good excuse, consider him mistake #6: Sleeping with a D-Bag.
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