Monday, May 2, 2011

Wrestling a 20-foot Anaconda in Swimming Pool

Ross and his son Tom wrestle a 20-foot anaconda under water. Can you believe this? It would be rather unbelievable event that someone would willingly put his son in the dangerous hug of anaconda in the pool of water. But this video proves otherwise.
Wrestling a 20-foot Anaconda in Swimming Pool
Unbelievable stunt of wrestling such massive snake is done by highly trained professionals. Obviously Ross has managed to teach Tom a lot about these magnificent wild creatures, get him to respected them for the dangerous predators they are, but at the same time, didn’t put any fear into the heart of his daredevil son. This young guy manege to effectively handle the snake. This is a really stunning video. Check out the screen caps and the video itself. The video features underwater photography and was produced by Guided Tours and sponsored by Silver Springs.
Note: Scroll down, below the screen caps, for the unbelievable, rarely seen 20-foot anaconda wrestling video.

Screen Captures from Wrestling a 20-foot Anaconda under Water at Ross Allen Reptile Institute

Wrestling a 20-foot Anaconda in Swimming Pool
Wrestling a 20-foot Anaconda in Swimming Pool

Wrestling a 20-foot Anaconda in Swimming Pool
Wrestling a 20-foot Anaconda in Swimming Pool
Wrestling a 20-foot Anaconda in Swimming Pool
Wrestling a 20-foot Anaconda in Swimming Pool
Wrestling a 20-foot Anaconda in Swimming Pool

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