Sunday, April 17, 2011

How To Sext Her Brains Out

We’ve already covered how to text a girl, now it’s time to learn how to sext and do it right. Learning how to sext is a great way to warm her up and show her that you know how to arouse her mind and if you know how to arouse her mind, you know how to arouse her body. It puts her in a sexual state where she is thinking about having sex with you and when used correctly, she will be craving it from you.

How to Sext? Test the Waters


You can’t just launch into sexting, it should be eased into the conversation naturally once you know she’s open to the idea of it. This will depend on her mood, your relationship with her and her sexual nature. Make sure she is attracted to you before proceeding; no girl wants to get seduced by her friend. You want to create just the right amount of sexual tension to bait her into it.
Sext #1:
You: I have a confession I need to make to you…
Her: What is it?
Sext #2:
You: I have to warn you that if I tell you, you’re going to get soaking wet
Her: Continue
This is her way of saying that she’s open to it. Once you’ve established that she’s ready, start slow. Just like in real life, you can’t go right for the clit. Think romance novel sex not porn star fucking…you can save that for her in person.
Sext #3:
You: Grabs you hard and kisses you, pushing you up against the wall, taking your head in my hands, looks into your eyes then down to your lips…time stands still as I move closer…lightly biting your bottom lip
Let her respond
Sext #4:
You: My hands exploring your body, but not letting you touch me as I hold your hands behind your head by your wrists. Holding a fistful of your hair with my other hand as I tilt your head back, exposing your neck…licking up and down your jugular vein like an animal preparing to devour it.
How To SextThis is a good time to stop. Your goal is to arouse her, then leave her wanting more and this definitely achieves that. You can do it at anytime but I recommend doing it when you’re available and you know she isn’t busy, that way you have the option of initiating a hook up right then or over the next few days while her buying temperature is still high.
Knowing how to sext is going to make your job of closing her 50 times easier when you get the chance.Women love the idea of being seduced and they love texting. By combining the two and doing it right, you’re going to create a powerful and lasting impression. She has already had sex with you in her mind as well so it will help reduce her last minute resistance because she has already done it before…in her mind.

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