Sunday, April 17, 2011

First Date Tips: Don’t Date Until You Read This

first date tipsYou’ve seen it a hundred times and in every romantic comedy, the guy gets the first date, picks the girl up and then takes her out to a dinner and a movie. Society has conditioned men to think that first dates must consist of this or some other cliché activity but this is exactly what women don’t want. Even most articles you read about first date tips fill offer useless and overplayed information. Watching a movie together doesn’t give you a chance to talk and the dinner has too much social pressure to be fun. It’s awkward, unoriginal and dull. Steer clear of “conventional” first date tips at all costs.
Avoid this completely for the first date, save it for later dates once you’ve already slept together. Read below for first date tips, ideas, first date conversation, how to make it a great first date and how to get the second date.

First Date Tips/Ideas


Do something physical together that will give you ample opportunity to talk and connect. The best dates are the ones that are fun, simple and free or cheap for example:
  • A walk
  • A festival
  • An arcade
  • Shopping
  • Go-Karting
  • Palm reading
No she’s not going to think you’re cheap, she’s going to be glad that you’re not trying to impress her with your wallet like all the other guys do. Doing a physical activity will reduce the first date awkwardness and social pressure and will give you more opportunity to touch her and escalate the vibe.

First Date Conversation

When seated, avoid talking face to face by sitting side by side until she’s comfortable. The first date should always be about the conversation and not the activity, so it’s important to be able to hold a conversation and get to know her to see if she’s right for you. One way of doing this is by playing the secrets game where you ask questions about each other in turn, this is a great way to gauge her sexuality and increase the sexual vibe by gradually introducing sexual questions. Women love talking about sex.

How to Make It a Great First Date

Not all dates will go well, the chemistry sometimes just isn’t there…even if you do follow my first date tips advice. However the key to a great first date is by making an emotional impact on her, perfect timing and ending it on a high note. At the least you should always go for the kiss close, but plan your logistics so that you can always close the deal, which will make the biggest emotional impact on her.

How to Get the Second Date

So it went well and you want to see her again? Good, but remember showing too much interest too soon will kill the attraction. The key is to match her interest levels, and then reduce it a few notches. The hotter she is the less interested you should appear. You don’t want to appear more interested than she is, as she will think she has already won you over. Ok now we’ve got that out the way, how do we get the second date without appearing too interested? Timing.
Don’t set the second date too soon after the first, wait at least a week before seeing her again. Talk to her in between sure, but keep it limited to occasional texting (see how to text a girl).

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