Sunday, April 17, 2011

How to Tell if a Girl Likes You

Knowing how to tell if a girl likes you can be a subtle art and something that a lot of guys can easily overlook if they don’t pay close enough attention to the interaction. Some indicators of interest (IOIs) are obvious but some are subtler. Since most women are indirect when it comes to expressing interest, you must be able to notice when it happens. Whether indirect or direct, indicating interest is her way of ‘picking up’ and she wants you to notice.
Why should we pay attention to this? If you get enough indicators of interest (IOIs) you will know that you’ve already built up enough attraction and that she’s ready for you to escalate. It will also automatically give you the confidence to escalate without fearing rejection because you know she’s already into you.
How to Tell if a Girl Likes You
  • She’s mirroring your body language, mimicking your movements or adjusting the speed of her speech to match yours, it means she is subconsciously trying to build rapport.
  • She plays with her hair when you’re talking to her, either twirling it around her fingers or stroking it.
  • Her body and feet are pointed towards you during the interaction.
  • She smiles more than usual
  • She laughs at all of your jokes, even if they’re not funny
  • She playfully touches you, anywhere
  • She makes eye contact with you and repeatedly looking in your direction
  • When she stares into your eyes her pupils dilate
  • She licks or bites her lips
  • She asks you for your name, age (don’t ask how old she is) or makes any other attempt at small talk
  • She asks if you have a girlfriend or brings her up without knowing in a hope that you will mention that you’re single
  • She qualifies herself
  • She initiates texts or phone calls, her texts are longer than yours
  • If you don’t respond to her texts she will text again
  • She is always around you, or makes an effort to be in your general vicinity
  • She blinks more than normal and flutters her eyelashes when talking to you

How to Tell if a Girl Likes you – Compliments

You don’t need my help to tell you that if a girl calls you ‘funny’ or ‘cute’ or gives you any other compliment it’s a definite indicator of interest. However, most guys don’t know how to respond to the compliment correctly. Some guys will be too modest and disagree with her or be too enthusiastic about and act like no one has ever complimented them before. The right way is to thank her and quickly change the subject, act as though you hear it all the time and it’s no big deal.
You’ll know how to tell if a girl likes you if you get three or four indicators of interest during one interaction. If you do it means that she is attracted to you and that you should escalate confidently.
Keep this knowledge in mind and try to notice as many indicators of interest as you can the next time you’re talking to a girl.

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