Sunday, April 17, 2011

How to Talk to Girls

How to Talk to GirlsSo you’ve built up the courage to approach girls, now what? Most guys don’t know how to talk to girls. They don’t talk about the right things and when they do it’s about as appealing as watching paint dry. They take it too seriously and don’t have fun with it. If you’re having fun, then it’s more likely to be a fun conversation. When I’m talking to girls, I say whatever amuses me, I take nothing seriously and they know I’m not trying to impress them because I’m simply amusing myself. You should talk about things that don’t require thinking. This will simply confuse her and lead to silence and sulking after a brief and attempt to add some coherent input on the tedious subject. Avoid factual information and never give an honest answer. If she brings it up then you should have fun with it and tell her something ridiculous.

How to Talk to Girls - Start Non-Sexual

Knowing how to talk to girls correctly starts with avoid the ‘nice’ and ‘too sexual’ categories that most guys fall i. Guys seem to be either way too nice or way too sexual and you need to avoid both extremes. Being sexual too fast shows desperation and she knows you’re saying it to every girl you’re attracted to. There’s a time to be sexual, once mutual attraction has been built. Sex is a physical need for men and an emotional need for women. If a woman knows that you find her desirable and want to have sex with her, that in itself fulfills her emotional need. Therefore, if you want to have a chance of actually having sex with her, you need to make her think that you don’t. The less sexually interested in her that you appear to be, the more sexually interested in you she becomes.

Be a Challenge

This one sounds obvious but it amazes me how many times I see guys putting women on a pedestal and thinking its going to get her to like him. This is how you become the ‘gay friend’ or the friend who takes her out and showers her with gifts only to end the night with a kiss on the cheek and blue balls. With learning how to talk to girls you will also need to learn how to be a challenge. Women don’t want someone who will bend to their every whim, they want a man who will stand up for himself and won’t let anyone walk over him.
How do you be a challenge?
1) Tease her. Whenever she says or does something stupid make sure you let her know about it…in a fun way.
Example lines:
  • You are such a dork, its really adorable
  • You’re about to go into the lets just be friends zone
  • Ok, note to self: don’t date her
2) Disqualify yourself. Give her reasons why you can’t be together.
Example lines:
  • You remind me too much of my little sister and that would be too awkward
  • You seem like the kind of girl I usually date but we can’t because I don’t want to end up liking you
  • I really like you but I can’t date you unless you are rich
3) Slow her down. Once she starts hitting on you, call her out on it and slow things down. All girls do this, you’re reversing it back on them and they’re not used to it. It will put them at ease and If they’re fun they will play along.
Example lines:
  • Hey stop having a crush on me, we just met
  • Are you always like this? Or just with guys you’re attracted to?
  • We could never go out. You’d spike my drink and take advantage of me

Be Unaffected

If you’re teasing her and she gets mad, do not react emotionally. Most guys either feel bad and apologize or let her mood take over theirs and get angry with her. Both of these are the wrong responses. Simply laugh at her and tell her she’s cute when she gets angry. She’s not in control of your emotions and nothing she says should affect you. She will eventually realize how stupid she was being and return back to normal if you don’t focus on it.
Now you should know the basics of how to talk to girls and what you should be doing while interacting with them and knowing how to talk to girls effectively is key to seducing them.

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