Don’t think of jealousy as a negative entity, think of it as just another tool that you can leverage to display your character and every time she tests you is an opportunity to show it. The best part about this is that every time you handle it correctly it will amplify her attraction towards you.
Sometimes women just want to see how much you’re into them, but mostly they’re testing your character and If you succumb to those insecurities it shows weakness and gives her the upper hand. Women will rationalize their actions by telling themselves ‘if he shows jealousy, it means he cares’. This is bullshit. Jealousy is a sign of insecurity, which stems from a fear of loss. The good news is that jealousy is just a state of mind and once you adopt an abundance mentality and realize that there are millions of other girls out there, jealousy magically goes away. Think of it this way, if you were a millionaire and someone stole your car would you really care? No, you’d just buy another one.
Jealousy in Relationships - Why Create It?
While it’s not true that jealousy is only a women’s trait, they are definitely more receptive to it than men. Jealousy can help increase her attraction in you by presenting the possibility of her attentions being taken away. Women are naturally highly competitive with each other and when she knows you have other options her competitive instincts will kick in and she will be chasing you for your affections.
How to Create It?
The key is to be subtle. Don’t tell her about your supermodel friend who won’t stop calling you, this sounds obvious and insecure. Instead, tell her you’re cooking dinner for a friend later or even better make it ‘accidental’. Don’t talk about another girl unless there’s a reason for it, be vague and let her imagination do the work for you.
For the technologically inclined you can use technology to create social proof and spark jealousy.
Jealousy in relationships is an advanced topic, I wouldn’t recommend creating jealousy plot lines for beginners.
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