Sunday, April 17, 2011

How to Make Girls Laugh

Laughter is one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs around and studies have found that it produces the same endorphins that are experienced during orgasm. It’s also shown you reduce stress, and promote health and ‘feel good’ chemicals. If you can be the source of her laughter, she will associate those good feelings towards you.
As well as building rapport and attraction, making her laugh will remove her barriers, allow her to put her guard down and penetrate the ‘bitch shield’. It has been said that if you know how to make girls laugh, you know how to make them do anything. The following tips are good starting points for anyone wanting to know how to make girls laugh.

Make Girls Laugh By Teasing Them

Make Girls LaughDo you remember on the playground when you liked a girl you would tease and make fun of her with really immature things? Well that’s still funny and just as effective. Teasing her is a great way to demonstrate your humour and make her laugh at herself. Never miss an opportunity to tease her. The best time to tease her is when she has done or said something stupid; always call her out on it and make fun of her.


A good example of cocky/funny is Ron Burgundy from Anchorman. What makes him funny is his over the top self-assuredness and dramatic self-centered egotistical narcissism. Being cocky in itself isn’t funny or attractive, but mixing it with humor works wonders. Remember not to overdo the cocky otherwise you will appear arrogant, try to get the right blend.

Don’t Take Anything Too Seriously…Including Yourself

If you want to make girls laugh you should adopt a playful, carefree, ‘nothing is too serious’ attitude. Being able to see the lighter side of life is not only good for you, but will give you many more opportunities to be make girls laugh. Learning to laugh at yourself is also highly attractive, as long as you don’t overdo the self-depreciation.

Keep a Straight Face

Don’t be the guy that laughs at his own jokes, this will reduce the tension and the effectiveness of the joke. Try to always keep a straight face with no expression when you’re delivering the joke so that she doesn’t know whether you’re being serious or actually joking. Look at any good stand up comedian, they never laugh at their own jokes and neither should you.

Don’t Try Too Hard

It’s important not to overdo the humor. Trying too hard will make it look like you’re doing it to win her affection rather than doing it to amuse yourself. Not only will this behavior come off as annoying, but it will make your job of seducing her much harder knowing that she knows she has already won you over.
You don’t have to be Dane Cook or Chris Rock funny, but should adopt their carefree attitudes and stop taking yourself and life in general too seriously. Knowing how to make girls laugh will go a long way to ensuring your success with them and shouldn’t be overlooked.

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